Contact Us

Data Protection

Company Information for Data Collection:

  • Company Name: Access Consciousness LLC
  • Address: 406 Present Street, Stafford, Texas
  • Tel.: +1 (773) 966-2310
  • Email: [email protected]

Individual Information for Data Collection (Dr. David Kubes):

  • Name: Dr. David Kubes
  • Address: Gutenberggasse 1/10
  • Tel.: +43 1 526 5000
  • Email: [email protected]

Individual Information for Data Collection (Simone Milasas):

  • Name: Simone Milasas
  • Address: 55 Lorekeet Drive, Peregean Beach, Queensland, Australia
  • Tel.: +1 (773) 966-2310
  • Email: [email protected]

Data Protection Officer:

  • Name: Dr. David Kubes
  • Address: Gutenberggasse 1/10
  • Tel.: +43 1 526 5000
  • Email: [email protected]

Data Stored:

  • Full name
  • Telephone number
  • Email
  • Home and work address
  • Tax or VAT identification number (for tax purposes)
  • Data necessary for issuing correct invoices
  • Data about classes, workshops, seminars, and telecalls attended

Purpose of Data Storage:

  • Provide services and fulfill contractual agreements with customers
  • Register customers for classes and send updates/newsletters (with customer consent)
  • Manage prerequisites for advanced classes
  • Store and distribute class and telecall recordings

Access to Data:

  • Individuals and entities needing access to fulfill contractual obligations and legal requirements
  • Outsourced agencies, accountants, and IT developers for legal compliance and service improvement

Data Retention Period:

  • Data is kept as long as there is a business relationship with customers and as required by law (e.g., for tax purposes).

Customer Data Protection Rights:

  • Right to information, correction, deletion, or limitation of stored data

Customer Data Obligation:

  • Customers are obligated to provide necessary data to fulfill contractual service obligations.

Profiling and Automatization:

  • No profiling is conducted.
  • Prerequisite checks for classes are processed automatically.